Holding My Peace
Many live with unnecessary pressure placed on themselves. We feel the need…
Necessary Friends
I intentionally build my support network to include connected friends, an inner…
Balance Beam of Life
It’s a narrow balance beam we walk, juggling our health, relationships, and…
The Loving Kind
What does it mean to minister to others? Sometimes, we think it…
The Ebb and Flow of Responsibility
Balance isn’t about neatly separating every area of our lives. Instead, it’s…
The Goodness of God
In seasons of financial uncertainty, we can recall testimonies of God’s goodness…
One System
The most important daily conversation you have occurs between your mind, body,…
Seeking Balance
Make it a daily practice to acknowledge Him, seek Him first, and…
Weighed in the Balances
When God is weighing us in the balances, let’s catch His attention…