The Heart and Stomach of a King: How to Reign Over Your Emotions

Leveling our emotions via healthy and practical approaches provides the stability and clarity of mind needed for navigating difficult decisions,…

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Women Who Write Part 2

LISTEN Episode 20 Duration: 31:49

Women Who Write Part 1

LISTEN Episode 19 Duration: 32:26

Loving the One You Married Part 2

LISTEN Episode 18 Duration: 38:53


Align with Heaven. Stay focused and faithful, and you will be fruitful.

Julie Long Julie Long

What Does the Bible Say?

The Word of God is the ultimate authority. If a new doctrine or message doesn’t…

Linda Gleason Linda Gleason
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From the Archives

Joy is Never Off the Table

Sometimes the hand we’ve been dealt is out of our control, but joy is never off the table.

Dinecia Gates Dinecia Gates

Investing in a Dream

We will liberally invest in our dream if we are passionate about it.

Mary Loudermilk Mary Loudermilk

Holiday De-Stress

Taking the time to prioritize your spiritual, physical, and mental health during the holiday season…

Cindy Miller Cindy Miller

The Way Back

You can experience God’s amazing power to transform the broken into beautiful.

Linda Gleason Linda Gleason

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