Created for Community

Cultivate a community of people with whom you can be real but who inspire you to grow. Investing in relationships…

Paula Richardson Paula Richardson
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Scripture Study: Digging Deeper

LISTEN Episode 22 Duration: 30:55

Scripture Study 101

LISTEN Episode 21 Duration: 29:49

Women Who Write Part 2

LISTEN Episode 20 Duration: 31:49

Never Alone

Constant turmoil creates a sense of isolation, even when we're all going through it together.

Julie Long Julie Long

Who Can Give?

Love gives, and the greater the love, the greater the giving. Maturity means moving from…

Linda Gleason Linda Gleason
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Simple Ways to Spread Kindness and Generosity

What better gift to give in the season of giving than gifts of help, love, encouragement, and compassion?

Amanda Elms Amanda Elms

Principles and Practices for Developing Unshakeable Faith

Only God can perform the miracle. Only we can provide the faith.

Carol Johns Carol Johns

Loss and Grief: The Power of a Reframe

The loss you experienced is framed by an old, tattered, bleak frame filled with broken…

The Weaving Process

We have the privilege and the ability to weave the mind of Christ into our…

Anne Suarez Anne Suarez

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