Principles and Practices for Developing Unshakeable Faith

Only God can perform the miracle. Only we can provide the faith.

Carol Johns Carol Johns

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Loving the One You Married

LISTEN Episode 17 Duration: 37:29

From Grief to Grace: Abortion Recovery

LISTEN Episode 16 Duration: 50:59

Living In a Blending Family

LISTEN Episode 15 Duration: 43:33

Rooted in the Word

To navigate a chaotic world, to avoid being swayed by misleading teachings and deceptive schemes,…

Linda Gleason Linda Gleason


We have a choice to make. We can stay dormant in despair, refusing to blossom…

Julie Long Julie Long
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From the Archives

Joy to the World

This Christmas, let these words ring out in the ears of whoever will listen, “Joy to the world; the Lord…

Tonda Henry Tonda Henry

Room to Improve

The Bible highly recommends that we make consistent renovations, improvements, and upgrades to the mind,…

Aimee Myers Aimee Myers

Am I Beautiful? What We Want Our Daughters to Know About Beauty

Instead of seeking to draw attention to ourselves, our focus should be on reflecting the…

Debbie Sanders Debbie Sanders

Stories Are Powerful Ways to Connect Us to Others

How were my actions as a leader weaving the tapestry of my identity, and what…

Jennie Russell Jennie Russell

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