Tag: Sept/Oct23

God Tells Long Stories

Transformation isn't always an immediate thing. In most cases, it is a…

Rachel Coltharp Rachel Coltharp

He Chose to Walk Beside Me

He didn’t choose to heal me. Instead, He chose to walk beside…

Janessa Guzman Janessa Guzman

Imposter Syndrome

Are you stepping into all God has for you or possibly holding…

Jennie Russell Jennie Russell

Intentional Transformation

Many people stop short of God's design for our lives.

Dinecia Gates Dinecia Gates

The Journey from Impossible to Possible Transformation

What seemed impossible at times during the discipling process became a miracle…

Marlene Gleason Marlene Gleason


Two crucial elements come into play on the Potter’s wheel: the pressure…

Julie Long Julie Long

The Challenge to One Thousand

I challenge us, the ladies of the United Pentecostal Church International. Pick…

Linda Gleason Linda Gleason

How to Prepare for Christmas Early

What can I do now to make the holidays more enjoyable and…

Amanda Elms Amanda Elms

It’s All About Love

God did not give us the Ten Commandments to make us miserable…

Mary Loudermilk Mary Loudermilk

Room to Improve

The Bible highly recommends that we make consistent renovations, improvements, and upgrades…

Aimee Myers Aimee Myers
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