Tag: Featured

The Look of Godliness

Godliness is conforming to the character of God in your thoughts, feelings,…

Jolie Kahozi

Whose Eye are You Catching?

God cannot be your source of strength if the world is your…

Erica Beach

Am I Beautiful? What We Want Our Daughters to Know About Beauty

Instead of seeking to draw attention to ourselves, our focus should be…

Debbie Sanders

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

We see true beauty when we look into the mirror of God’s…

Shannon Powell

Broken Crayons Still Color and Create Beauty

Sometimes, we feel like broken crayons. We worry about loved ones who…

Sandy Alsworth

How Much Do You Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways

Like clay molded in the hands of a skillful potter, You formed…

Every Good and Perfect Gift

We’ve dreamed dreams, seen visions, and held parts and pieces of God’s…

Joanna Moore

Life After Loss

Since the pain was present and the process was unavoidable, I decided…

Angela McClintock

A Few of My Favorite Things

I’ve been blessed to work and travel in several countries, but I…

Vonda Guidry

Joy to the World

This Christmas, let these words ring out in the ears of whoever…

Tonda Henry
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