Tag: Featured

Living a Fulfilled Life

You can find joy, happiness, fulfillment, and contentment in your single season…

Debbie Saiz

Widowhood: The Journey Forward

Widows and widowers must have the courage to continue with their lives.…

Jenny Teets

“Having” and “Wanting” in Your Marriage

You can cultivate a sense of security and belonging in your marriage…

Karissa King

Withholding Nothing

I declared “Victory for Victor” and trusted that if I withheld nothing…

Brandie Hershey

The Heart and Stomach of a King: How to Reign Over Your Emotions

Leveling our emotions via healthy and practical approaches provides the stability and…

Keep Less to Experience More

Moving past hurts and offenses is crucial to living whole and productive…

Farah Baptiste

Being Made Whole

Wholeness is not merely the absence of pain or illness but also…

Saprina Flowers

Finding Peace and Purpose in Divine Alignment

Aligning with God’s purpose and calling upon your life is the most…

Rosa Hodges

Aligning Our Thoughts with Truth

We can refute negative thoughts by declaring them untrue based on the…

Rachel McNair

Biblical Wisdom for Emotional Resilience

Despite challenging circumstances, these women relied on God’s intervention rather than succumbing…

Marcia Rodney
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