An Abundance Mindset
We make it all too easy for the thief to take the…
Overcoming the Pressure of Expectations
I found my place using the gifts God had given me, not…
Running the Race: Enduring to the End
God calls us to dwell on what is virtuous and praiseworthy. Let’s…
Healing From Past Wounds: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken
Two essential keys to inner healing are forgiveness and knowing our identity…
Contentment in a Culture of More
I often questioned if I was enough. But through prayer, I learned…
Letting Go of Perfectionism
God’s grace makes the difference in those times when perfection cannot be…
Enough in Every Way: Finding Satisfaction in God Alone
Whether through vocal prayers of thanking God, journaling our blessings, or meditating…
Legacy of Faith: Bobbie Shoemake
An anointed singer/psalmist and speaker, Bobbie Shoemake continues to lead worshipers into…
Balancing Your Time Budget
These three practices—tracking, budgeting, and auditing our time—help us balance our schedules…
Honoring Parents, Nurturing Children: A Biblical Approach for the Sandwich Generation
The family was in God’s plan from the beginning of time. Who…