Tag: Featured

An Abundance Mindset

We make it all too easy for the thief to take the…

Karen Bailey

Overcoming the Pressure of Expectations

I found my place using the gifts God had given me, not…

Shawna Hobson

Running the Race: Enduring to the End

God calls us to dwell on what is virtuous and praiseworthy. Let’s…

Sharon Puckett

Healing From Past Wounds: How God Redeems and Restores the Broken

Two essential keys to inner healing are forgiveness and knowing our identity…

Jena Grech

Contentment in a Culture of More

I often questioned if I was enough. But through prayer, I learned…

Cyndi Bounds

Letting Go of Perfectionism

God’s grace makes the difference in those times when perfection cannot be…

Karen Weber

Enough in Every Way: Finding Satisfaction in God Alone

Whether through vocal prayers of thanking God, journaling our blessings, or meditating…

Dinah Copple

Legacy of Faith: Bobbie Shoemake

An anointed singer/psalmist and speaker, Bobbie Shoemake continues to lead worshipers into…


Balancing Your Time Budget

These three practices—tracking, budgeting, and auditing our time—help us balance our schedules…

Liane Grant

Honoring Parents, Nurturing Children: A Biblical Approach for the Sandwich Generation

The family was in God’s plan from the beginning of time. Who…

Melody Reever
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