Let's Talk

Necessary Friends | Debbie Sanders


Just because someone hurt you doesn’t mean everyone will. It’s time to stop building walls and start building connections.

Necessary Friends | Maya Hunley


How (not) to make a friend, the hurt and healing of friendship, and avoiding "friendship evangelism."

Necessary Friends | Lorraine Orozco


Building friendships outside your Apostolic circle and supporting one another instead of competing and comparing.

Necessary Friends Part 2 | Ellerie Saucer


Learn to process the loss of friendship and the importance of cultivating relationships to avoid the dangers of isolation.

Necessary Friends | Mendy Flowers


Explore the importance of building a diverse network of friendships and how busy women can nurture and maintain those connections.

Necessary Friends | Tere De la Rosa


Valuing different levels of friendship and mentoring relationships.

Necessary Friends | Kerri Wilson


Building friendships after being hurt and the importance of trustworthiness and self-reflection.

Necessary Friends | Jena Grech


Dr. Cindy Miller interviews Jena Grech about the characteristics of long-term friendship, how to handle conflicts in relationships, advice for…

Necessary Friends Part 1 | Ellerie Saucer


Dr. Cindy Miller and Ellerie Saucer discuss the necessary friendships in a woman’s life—their purpose, the challenges, and how to…

Scripture Study: Digging Deeper


Connection to God puts the happy in the holidays. Discover the tools and techniques for effective study of God's Word.

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