Necessary Friends | Mendy Flowers
Explore the importance of building a diverse network of friendships and how busy women can nurture and maintain those connections.
Necessary Friends | Tere De la Rosa
Valuing different levels of friendship and mentoring relationships.
Necessary Friends | Kerri Wilson
Building friendships after being hurt and the importance of trustworthiness and self-reflection.
Necessary Friends | Jena Grech
Dr. Cindy Miller interviews Jena Grech about the characteristics of long-term friendship, how to handle conflicts in relationships, advice for…
Necessary Friends Part 1 | Ellerie Saucer
Dr. Cindy Miller and Ellerie Saucer discuss the necessary friendships in a woman’s life—their purpose, the challenges, and how to…
Scripture Study: Digging Deeper
Connection to God puts the happy in the holidays. Discover the tools and techniques for effective study of God's Word.
Scripture Study 101
Connection to God should be a dialogue, not a monologue. Discover the tools and techniques for effective study of God's…
Women Who Write Part 2
For Apostolic women who feel they have a story to tell or a message to share, writing may become a…