As a Sunday school child, I learned the lyrics of an old song: “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do.”
From Genesis to Revelation, the unlimited power of our great God is on full display. With His unlimited power, He created the heavens and the earth; He parted the Red Sea; He cured all manner of diseases; He spoke the word, and the dead raised to life. If every demonstration of His unlimited power were recorded, John said, “Even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written” (John 21:25).
His unlimited power is not confined to old songs or historical accounts. God’s kingdom victories are still being documented daily. By faith, believers are witnessing “greater works than these” as they activate and demonstrate the unlimited power of God by casting out devils, speaking with new tongues, experiencing divine protection, moving mountains at the spoken Word, laying hands on the sick, fully expecting them to recover.
There is no reason to doubt, limit, or question what God can and will do.
In 2021, my husband and I led a crusade team to Manaus, Brazil. This crusade was unique. The government had just lifted most COVID-19 restrictions. It was the first post-COVID mass gathering of God’s people in Brazil. A crowd of nearly twelve thousand people filled the stadium.
There was great excitement, and everyone came with high expectations. When the word of faith was spoken, we witnessed the first “day of Pentecost” in Brazil. God filled over three thousand people with the Holy Ghost in one service! There was an unprecedented release of deliverance, victory, and emotional healing. Marriages were restored, wounded hearts mended, depression lifted, suicidal thoughts and anxiety left the building. There were multitudes of notable miracles. God’s unlimited power filled us with unspeakable joy, and we left the meeting with our faith soaring.
A few months later, we led another crusade team to Khulna, Bangladesh. Over fifteen thousand people gathered to experience the unlimited power of God. During the last service of the crusade, the needs were overwhelming. A mother was desperately motioning for God to heal her child from Down Syndrome. A man pointed to a visible tumor on his leg. A deaf man was seeking healing for his ears.
I stretched my arms out over the beautiful group of Bangladeshi people and said, “God, I have faith for their healing. They have faith for their miracle. Will You do it? I know You can!” The Lord spoke to me and said, “I am doing a work that is greater than your eye can see that will reveal my unlimited power.” When the word of faith was spoken, as far as the eye could see, women, men, and children began to experience the unlimited power of God. Over eleven thousand were filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Eyes with cloudy blue cataracts were miraculously healed, visible tumors disappeared, and many other notable miracles occurred!
The unlimited power of God flows from faith in what God has said, not from belief in what we have seen.
Stacey Robinette
The revelation of faith in God’s spoken Word led Billy Cole to say, “Speak what you want to see until you see what you have spoken.” When you declare the prophetic Word of God into the atmosphere, it cannot return void (Isaiah 55:11).
In April 2023, while ministering at the UPC German-Speaking Nations General Conference, my husband shared this point:
“When Abram turned to Lot and said, ‘Is not the whole land before thee? If you go to the left, I’ll go to the right.’ Abram was not risking his future, calling, or destiny on the choice of Lot. Abram’s future was established by God’s spoken Word. No matter what decision Lot made, God’s Word would not return void.”
Let your spirit be encouraged, and your faith be renewed. Even when you don’t see it come to pass with your natural eyes, if God said it, rejoice, for the promise has already come to pass.
The testimonies mentioned above are not exclusive to foreign fields. When you have faith in God’s spoken Word, you will witness His unlimited power reach past cultural, political, geographical, physical, and linguistic barriers.
Our God is so great. Our God is so mighty. There is nothing our God cannot do!