Tag: SeptOct24

Being Made Whole

Wholeness is not merely the absence of pain or illness but also…

Saprina Flowers Saprina Flowers

Finding Peace and Purpose in Divine Alignment

Aligning with God’s purpose and calling upon your life is the most…

Rosa Hodges Rosa Hodges

Aligning Our Thoughts with Truth

We can refute negative thoughts by declaring them untrue based on the…

Rachel McNair Rachel McNair

Biblical Wisdom for Emotional Resilience

Despite challenging circumstances, these women relied on God’s intervention rather than succumbing…

Marcia Rodney Marcia Rodney

Who Said It Was Easy?

Don’t fear uncomfortable places; blindly obey and align with God’s perfect will.…

Tisa Marsh Tisa Marsh

Living Wholehearted

The Bible will keep us from sin, but sin will keep us…

Emily Hunt Emily Hunt

What’s the Plan?

Putting our trust in God and aligning our mindset with His will…

Aimee Myers Aimee Myers

The Other Side of Alignment

Walking in step with Jesus keeps us from spending unnecessary time, effort,…

Dinecia Gates Dinecia Gates

The Essential Role of Alignment in Times of Change

God desires that we do life together. We must be aligned vertically…

Jennie Russell Jennie Russell


Align with Heaven. Stay focused and faithful, and you will be fruitful.

Julie Long Julie Long
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